LBSNAA is an Integrated Library Automation Management SoftwareLBSNAA is a popular Library Management software being used in world wide.Koha established itself quickly as a leading technology solutions provider to Academic institutions, Libraries & Information Corporate bodies and industries.LBSNAA Koha is a popular and advanced integrated Library automation management software, designed and developed by a team of Library & Information Science specialists, database designers, software developers and network specialists.LBSNAA Koha is a fully integrated, versatile, user-friendly, cost-effective and multi-user Library automation software.LBSNAA Key Features of our library management software:Easy to use /data entry made simpleHandles lakhs of records more efficientlyCustomizable data entry screenMultimedia interfaceSimple and fast counter transactionsEfficient circulation management systemBook ordering and serial control made simpleTransaction alerts through SMSOnline help/user manualUser ID and password for various menusDatabase security/backup and recoveryLBSNAA app provides the following facility to the users/Library Administrators[ To Search Library Catalogue/Reserve & Renew Library resources /Transaction services- Self Check-Out & Check-In and Stock Verification ]1. Searching Library CatalogueTypes of search provided:Simple searchQuick SearchAdvanced SearchGoogle type General Search To Search Library Catalogue in various types of search facility/menus given above - using Author, Title, Publisher, Subject, Keyword, Call Number, ISBN Number, Accession Number2. Transaction based service To Reserve a resource To Renew a Resources3. Alert ServiceTo send a message to the LibrarianTo Receive Alert Messages sent by the Library4. User Service Sending request to buy a book for the Library Sending request to subscribe a Journal for the LibraryRequesting a photocopy of an articlesGiving valuable suggestions